
Tuesday 6 March 2012

A stressful day and some good news

Yesterday got off to a bit of a stressful start. I was really hoping J would be well enough to go to school as I just hate him missing so much. He got up but it was obvious he wasn't well enough and I just sat in bed and cried. I'm so fed up of him being ill and me being ill. Anyway I pulled myself together, told God I was trusting Him anyway, phoned the school office while it was still on answerphone, found I was actually walking a bit better, thought J would probably be well enough for school today and he wasn't missing anything he can't easily catch up on. So far so good.

The other thing that was happening yesterday was J's hospital appointment. This was as a result of his near-collapse after cross-country because our GP was a bit concerned he might have a genetic condition affecting his heart. This was such a potentially scary situation that I mostly just blanked it out of my mind and apart from P didn't talk about it to anyone. Yesterday though I couldn't help but think about it. Insisting that he had to go even though he was coughing and no I couldn't tell them he wasn't having any blood tests and desperately hoping that it wasn't the same doctor we saw last time J went to outpatients who was probably the most unpleasant doctor I've ever encountered and definitely prejudiced against women and especially women in wheelchairs, we set out. I had I thought , arranged with P that I would call him as I was leaving home then he would pop out to a model shop then meet us in the car park outside his work. Fine. I phoned P, said we were leaving, he said ok, off we went.

Just as I parked my phone rang but we didn't pick it up on time. It was P. 'Call Dad back,' I said. 'I can't it's saying you can't make any more calls because you've exceeded your limit.' What???

That has never happened to me before, never, ever. 'Ok, phone Dad, on your phone.' 'Er, I can't I haven't got it,' 'But I handed it to you as we were leaving.' 'I know but I put it down again.'

Time was ticking by but all we could do was wait. Not sure where shop was, if I set off almost inevitable P and I would miss each other. After 5 minutes he phoned again 'Thought we'd arranged you'd meet me here.' Rather animated conversation followed, don't think we'll ever know what original arrangement was but I agreed to go and pick him up. As I started to drive out a woman came along and started reversing into space really close to me when she could have just waited and let me out. Went into hyper stress mode. Looked at J and he was laughing.

We got to hospital with 2 minutes to spare and car park was absolute chaos. Had to drop J off so he could go in and register using machine so we wouldn't lose appointment. Anyway when we got to clinic they were really nice and when we went into doctor she was a woman and very pleasant and made eye contact with me as well as P and didn't suggest in any way that being an only child and having a disabled mother contributed to J being unwell. Best of all she doesn't think he's got this condition. His chest is a bit of an unusual shape, what they used to call 'pigeon chest' but he might grow out of it. His ECG was normal, his spine is straight and his joints are normal, all of which are good. He's just got to have a heart scan and she said it might be worth checking him in a year or so but she basiclly thinks he's ok. Yes!!! And he didn't need a blood test. 

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