
Monday 19 March 2012

Finches and a nice Mother's Day

Today I'm torn between the desire to rest, to read, to study or to tidy up the house. It's a lovely sunny day and after school I sat in the car for almost an hour just watching the birds on the feeder. We've now got goldfinches, chaffinches and greenfinches. They're all getting through the sunflower seeds at quite an alarming rate.

J managed to remember his options form this morning which should have been in on Friday. Oops.

Yesterday at church the ladies were given a mug for Mother's Day which was a really nice present. Last year I got pink tea lights which were nice but I've never actually unpacked them. A mug is nice and useful though. J chose me a design with cupcakes on it. Wonder why? He also made me a lovely card and we went to the pub next door for lunch. This was nice but not anywhere near as nice as last year. They've got a different chef and he doesn't seem to be as good. After that I lay down on the sofa and fell asleep. I woke up and thought it was a school day and I was at home alone so what was the noise coming from the study? As I started to shout I realised it was J doing his homework. Embarrassing. 
When we went to Other Church in the evening they gave out little chocolate eggs and a magazine to the ladies. Very nice.

I've managed to write 'nice' six times in that paragraph. That's what Mother's Day is though. Nice.

I think I need to go and tidy somewhere.

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