
Thursday 8 March 2012

In perspective

Yesterday we left a bit late mainly because J and I struggled to get up. I ended up taking the slightly longer route which usually has less traffic but there was a really long queue. Cars in front were turning round but I thought I'd keep going as it wasn't far until my turn-off so I might just make it. Then when I got to the front of the queue there was a group of people standing round someone who was lying on the road wrapped in a blanket. I didn't think I could be of any help so I turned round but it was so upsetting, just hope they're ok.

J had his vaccine yesterday for dihtheria, polio and tetanus. He was nervous about it but I told him that when I was little my mum nursed a 19 year old boy who died horribly from tetanus and that sort of puts it in perspective. If there'd been tetanus vaccine when he was little he'd be a grandad by now I suppose. 


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