
Monday 6 February 2012

Go away snow

Finally got J back to school, following a last-minute panic in which he was printing his graphics homework and ran out of ink. I'm trying to be a bit more of a tough-love mum these days rather than a walk-over so pointed out it wasn't my problem and I'm not much of a dab hand at changing ink anyway so he could phone Dad for advice and if we were late so be it and did he think there was anything to be learnt about when was the best time to print out homework?

Bit tricky getting out of drive but made it. Main roads ok but side roads icy and was a bit foggy. Got there just in time. Hoping snow thaws quickly. It's very pretty but don't like driving in it.

Have spent all morning not really doing anything productive. Need to finish typing up church meeting minutes. Volunteered to do these as wasn't always happy with how they were being done, now have discovered how hard it is.

J enjoyed film last night, kept complaining restaurant had hardly any options for vegetarians which is a bit confusing seeing as he isn't a vegetarian and had chicken fingers and chips which he enjoyed.

We're going to do this thing where one person in the family says what their favourite meal would be and the others make it for them. P's is mushroom stroganoff and spotted dick or tiramisu, J's is dough balls, spaghetti carbonara and light and dark chocolate cheesecake, mine is home-made pizza with seafood, mushroom and pineapple topping followed by tiramisu. Don't feel at all confident about making spotted dick. Wonder if I could cheat and buy it. 

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