
Tuesday 21 April 2009

What a lovely sunny day we're having! Just like the middle of summer!
J didn't have a good start with new teacher. She told him off for not paying attention in Maths & he was most indignant as it's 'the third time we've done percentages and I understood it the first time so how am I supposed to just sit there and listen?' I think I'm going to have to write her a note as if a child has been diagnosed as having ADD I don't think it's ok to tell him off for not paying attention. Sadly we're stuck with our present education system which means the children are spending nearly all their time revising for their SATs rather than being able to learn something interesting & challenging. If anyone from the government reads this SATS ARE STUPID OK!!! Children, teachers & parents all hate them. They are ruining children's education. Well that's my opinion anyway.
He brought home a letter last night saying he was going on a trip today & needed to be at school at 8.40 wearing casual clothes. All his casual trousers were on the line but managed to dry out his trackies on the electric airer. Bad traffic jam this morning but got him there just on time. Rushed home to get ready for house group which was at Lucy's house which is lovely. Really is like something from Ideal Home Show. She has a huge dining room in which you feel you should be having a medieval banquet or something. Only 4 of us there & had a good time but did spend most of time chatting. I led the worship bit which went ok. I'm not stressing out so much about the group, the other people are all really nice & I do enjoy their company.
There's more I wanted to write about but must rush, things to do before school.

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