
Monday 6 April 2009

I was at the church lunch yesterday & talking to someone who works with a charity that takes wheelchairs to poor parts of the world & he was saying how people come crawling or else have to be carried to get these wheelchairs & they're so grateful even though they don't have proper roads & will get bumped to bits. I just feel so ungrateful after my moan on Saturday about being in the wheelchair at social events. What would life be like if I didn't have one & didn't have a car & didn't have shopmobility? I just wouldn't be able to go out at all. Really I should be so thankful for my life, I've got so much.
Also at the church lunch I offered to take a baby so the girl holding her could eat some crisps. As soon as I picked her up she started whacking me on the nose! So I was saying through gritted teeth 'What a cute baby, ouch!' Good lunch though.

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