
Monday 6 April 2009

J & I had a big fight today. This was because he said that because he was sitting on the sofa with his lunch on his lap he couldn't be expected to get up & turn off his X-box so I had to do it, whereas I expressed the opinion that he could put the plate down, get off his bottom & stop treating me like a servant. You can take whichever side you choose.
The other crisis today has concerned the ants. Hundreds of them crawling out from under our sofa!
We each have a rather different reaction to this.
P is really puzzling about how they got in seeing as the house is meant to be totally sealed (but ants are like small,right?).
J is hotly defending himself & claiming that the fizzy cola bottle sweets left in an open bag under the sofa are nothing to do with him. They must have belonged to his friends or else I must have been meant to throw them out & forgot. Yeah, right, whatever.
My reaction on the other hand is 'Eeek!!!' I spent this morning squashing ants with a rubber eraser & thinking 'I'm sure there was something else I meant to do with my life.'
If only I could think what it was.

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