
Thursday 2 April 2009

There are some people in my life I'm just so thankful for. One of them is P who has put up with such a lot over the years. One of the things that makes me feel bad about this osteoporosis thing is that it's just one more thing for him to deal with but he's been so good about it even though he can't even hug me hard now in case it breaks a bone. He's had a talk with J as well & explained to him that using Mum's legs as a trampoline is now not a good idea.
I'm really grateful for Becky as well because when I came out of the doctors on Monday I felt I just couldn't go home & cry on my own & I went round her house & literally cried on her shoulder. When she came to the coffee morning yesterday she'd got me some pink roses. She's so nice.
Thank you to the friend who phoned me up yesterday as well, it was really good of you & nice to have a chat.
I phoned the National Osteoporosis Society helpline yesterday & they were quite helpful & said most people who use wheelchairs will end up with some osteoporosis in their spine (but why has no-one ever warned me?) but the drug I'm on will reduce my risk of a fracture by 50% which is quite good really. They're going to send me an information pack as well & said phone them anytime I've got a question.
So anyway I'm feeling a lot more positive about it all, although when I told somebody at church about it last night & somebody else piped up 'Oh, there's nothing they can do about that, your spine will just crumble' it didn't really help.
Never mind, God's looking after me, I know I'm going to be alright & really it's a good job I did break my rib & found about it before I broke something worse.

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