
Thursday 2 April 2009

P went to help at cubs on Monday, teaching them how to use a map & compass. He came home really cheerful because he'd managed to keep their attention for the whole hour and a half & they all seemed to be enjoying it. With our cub pack that's no mean feat.
He was out at a goodbye meal for the headmaster who's leaving on Tuesday & had to have yesterday off to recover. He just can't take the pace. The good thing was that he put together a set of shelves which are temporarily in the living room & also put up a big shelf in our bedroom. It's so exciting having shelves. The cupboards & shelves in J's room are looking good as well. I can foresee the day when all our books are neatly stacked & I can have photos on display again.
The church is having open 'prayer rooms' over Easter & I've been roped in to help. We're trying to make some displays to do with the passion. I said I'd type out some Bible verses on the computer & also make a crown of thorns. The trouble is while we've got plenty of briars I'm not sure how to make them into a crown. P says it's no problem & he'll do it, which is good. Otherwise I can imagine I'd have a lot of scratches.

I'm going to have a bath & put some things on my shelves.

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