
Wednesday 29 April 2009

Hi I'm back. Not been blogging as a) couldn't manage to sign in last time I tried & b) not been well largely due to side effects from osteoporosis drug. Saw doctor this morning & he said the fact that tablets were giving me a sore throat was potentially serious so 'Perhaps we need to try a more expensive drug' so I'm trying another which I take once a month instead of once a week & we'll see what happens.

On Saturday J hurt his leg on trampoline, think it's just a strained muscle. Wrote letter to teacher asking if he could stay in at playtime then when he tried to stay in at lunchtime as well she shouted at him. Not very happy about this but P had a governor's meeting with acting head that evening so had a bit of a word.

My brother popped in for a visit on Friday evening which was nice. His mother in law had been with them for Easter & he'd just taken her back. He says she's doing well.

Since I've been to healing service I haven't had the really horrible feeling in my head I've been having. Just sort of waiting to see how it goes, really.

Have signed up with an online/telephone tutor service mainly to help J with homework although they also do tests to monitor his progress. Tonight was the first night, the problem was though that the phone lines are open from 4 - 7 & he didn't start his homework until about 6.40 so I think we need to start earlier in future. He said they were nice & helpful when he phoned though.

P, Digger, runner beans, tomatoes, strawberries & aubergines all doing well.

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