
Sunday 22 January 2012

J ill again

Can you believe J is sick again? He's been in bed all weekend saying he feels terrible. He should be doing a Maths paper and revising for his Biology test and is he even going to make it to school tomorrow?

What's going on? Why is he getting ill so often? I just don't know.

Sermon at church today about belonging to church and how it's being part of a family and it's where you get help and encouragement. Good sermon but as someone who doesn't have any extended family living nearby I don't feel church ever quite makes up for that really. It's not like having a Mum. 

At coffee time someone was handing round a box of chocolates in a beautiful red velvet box. Apparently a client at work had given them to him. I looked them up on the web afterwards - they cost £120! P you're in the wrong job.

P had made yummy chicken dish in the slow cooker for lunch. This afternoon I've just been lounging around and thinking that tomorrow the Pastoral Care Team are coming so I'll have to tidy up.

Some good news: in the local paper it said that the woman involved in the accident on our road the other night had to be cut out of her car but wasn't seriously injured. That's really nice to know.

Have actually been doing some of my knitting. 

Feel like going to sleep.

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