
Wednesday 18 March 2009

There is a father & son cub camp coming up soon. There have been some tantrums, pouting & generally bad behaviour all along the general lines of 'I don't want to go to cub camp!' J, on the other hand, is really looking forward to it.
What I'm trying to pluck up courage to tell P, as I'm sure he's forgotten, is that the night before we're going to a music festival in which J is singing (he's going because his whole class is going, like both his parents J is not greatly gifted where singing is concerned, P's singing tends to be all on one note & my music teacher likened mine to Norman Wisdom's). Anyway I'm concerned that P's reaction is going to be 'I'm not going to that & cub camp the next day!' He finds late nights really hard to cope with, he really does, he just can't handle them. I've been praying for a minor miracle in this area.
I went to coffee morning today, there were a couple there who used to go to church but moved away. They had photos of their newborn twin grandaughters & they were so cute. There was this lovely picture of them both asleep nose to nose.
P was at school today helping with Maths week & he really enjoyed it. He was in charge of measuring how loud the pupils could scream, doesn't sound that much fun to me. Afterwards he went in to see the old man who we saw when he was in hospital, he was sent home even though he's very confused & his memory is very poor. We were all shocked they sent him home like that & it's a really difficult situation.
Lovely warm day again today which was good as I got J's sleeping bag washed & almost dry (it was still smelling a bit musty from summer camp).

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