
Thursday 19 March 2009

I have spent the last two evenings going through MAJOR trauma trying to get J to do his writing homework. This involved a lot of holding my hands to my head & groaning 'Just get on with it ...please...' When the whole story is meant to take 20 minutes & after 20 minutes he's managed to write just the title & after another 20 minutes he's drawn a picture which he wasn't meant to do anyway & after another 20 minutes I find he's been secretly playing a game instead & after another 20 minutes he's saying 'I don't know what to write' & hasn't written another word... This is like stress hormones going through the roof time. The crazy thing is that what he had to do was write an advert for a new video game. You'd think that would be one thing he'd want to do.
Anyway when he'd finally finished it, having typed just 10 lines he started on the 'long writing task'. For this he was meant to interview someone & he suggested he could do one of his parents. Then he said: 'It's meant to be someone interesting so it'd better be Dad.' Crushing or what! (At that point P could have said 'Well actually Mum's really interesting underneath it all.)
So there they were sitting on the sofa doing this interview thing & it was all very calm & peaceful. How was P doing it I wondered, creating such a scene of domestic bliss in the midst of J's writing homework. Easy - he was typing it for him.
This morning I realised J hadn't written his name on any of his homework so I gave it to him to do so. Was it really unreasonable of me to expect him to then take the logical next step & actually put it in his school bag? He's just going to have to go back in to school tonight to take it in.

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