
Thursday 31 January 2013

Where are my genes and not on the washing machine please

Listen boys, changing the Google Account password without telling me is not ok. Changing it to something stupid I can't remember is also not ok. Not telling me you're down to your last clean school shirt is not ok. And while we're on the subject leaving a mega tub of fatballs on top of the washing machine so that there's a huge crash during the spin cycle is NOT OK. Ok?

So snow turned to rain. Lots of rain. We now have a pond in the wood.

J was off school Friday and Monday. Made him go to school on Tuesday as they're preparing for another English assessment and a German oral exam. This is the reality of life in Year 10. He was supposed to have a catch-up lesson with his English teacher yesterday but she was off sick. I told him that this assessment is only 10% of the English Language mark and the exam board say it's meant to be fun so not to stress about it. He looked at me in astonishment: 'English. Fun???'

I don't understand how this has happened. I was good at English at school. Where have my genes gone?

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