
Monday 21 January 2013

Snow, money matters and a shield

It snowed all day Saturday and Sunday so J had high hopes of school being closed today. At 7.30 I had a text to say 'school open as normal.' It was like you could feel the wave of disappointment from pupils and teachers alike sweeping across the county. Never mind, it means he'll get a bit more educated I suppose.

Something quite momentous we've just done is to pay off our mortgage. We were advised that this was the best thing to do with some of P's lump sum from his retirement as we were paying far more interest on the mortgage than we'd get on any savings. It's a really nice feeling - our house is ours not the mortgage company's. It would be too tedious to go into the hassle involved in the actual process of paying it off. We spent a great deal of Thursday going back and forth between the bank with which we had the mortgage and the bank with which we have our current account. 

On Saturday despite the snow we went to a meting of the family housegroup. We had a very nice evening with good food and conversation. Was chatting to J's German tutor who also goes to the group. She says J's doing fine and has a very good grasp of German grammar.

We also had to do this thing about values where each family member chose their 5 most important values from a list. P's were: creativity, family, honesty, punctuality and recognition. J's were: happiness, personality, relationships, self control and self respect. Mine were: family, honesty, humour, love and perseverance.

Then we had to make a 'family shield' on which we wrote each person's one most important value. Mine was love, J's was personality (?), mine was love (aaah) and P's was.... punctuality. Punctuality?!?!?!?!? 

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