
Sunday 13 January 2013

The new blazer

Since J went back to school in September there have been several inches of bare arm dangling beneath his blazer sleeves. As a new blazer would cost more arms and legs than we fancied paying we decided a trip to the second hand uniform shop was in order. Ok, the only problem was that finding out when the shop was open and actually getting there seemed to demand a higher level of competence than we possessed. Finally one day at the end of November I announced 'It says on the school calendar that the uniform shop is open at 7.30 tonight and we are going to be there. Ok.' Fine.

About half an hour before we were to leave I thought my tummy felt a bit funny. 30 seconds later I knew I was dying. After about 20 minutes P knocked on the bathroom door. 'I can't come out, I think I've got norovirus,' I groaned. (My abiding memory of the first night of norovirus was having a fervent desire to die in bed in comfort while instead I was stuck in the bathroom for hours). 

Anyway P and J set off to travel eight miles through a dark stormy night only to arrive and find several disgruntled parents and a shut shop. Christmas holidays and several colds later last Wednesday I saw that the shop should be open at lunchtime. After last time perhaps it would be better to phone and check. 'Uniform shop open? Don't know anything about that,' said the woman on reception. The relationship between the school calendar and real life seems to be 
somewhat tenuous. However she said if we came in she would open it up for us. Yay. So she and P spent some considerable time searching fo a J sized blazer. Finally he emerged triumphant with a blazer over his arm. At home that night J tried it on: 'Yes it fits. Er Dad there's just one problem - it's a girl's blazer.' 'What??? You wouldn't consider wearing a girl's blazer??? no ok, stupid question.'

Thankfully when P went back on Thursday he got a boy's version which is only a bit too big - you're just going to have to wear it - ok.

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