
Monday 21 January 2013

Not very good news

I'm just going to briefly mention my bit of not so good news. 

On Saturday I got a letter from the hospital saying that the results of the blood tests I had suggested there may be an abnormality in my liver. Yikes. I've got to have more blood tests, an ultrasound and an appointment with a gastroenterologist,none of which I fancy at all. I have been feeling a bit sick lately which I put down to the painkillers but now I'm wondering if it's because my liver's not working properly. The painkillers probably haven't done it much good anyway.

Good news is that my fingers are feeling a bit less painful so can cut down the tablets a bit.

Mark 10:27 says '...all things are possible for God.' (NIV)  I'm trusting Him to heal my liver along with everything else.

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