
Friday 15 April 2011

Visiting Dad

Today we went to see Dad in hospital. He's doing ok really, on a lot of drugs which are helping a lot with pain but making him a bit confused. Going to be in a few more days then hopefully should be able to go home.

Called in on Dad's wife (very yappy dog!) & also to a model aeroplane shop.

Went through a lot of places that brought back memories today.

The hospital Dad's in is where I used to work & also where Mum died. Also went past two houses where I lived & alongside river & beach where used to take Rusty for walkies.

This seems to have been memory week.

Knocked my sore arm on car door handle today & it HURTS. Ouch, ouch, ouch.

Stopped at pub for nice meal on way home. P & I were very good, we shared an apple crumble rather than having one each.

Long journey, tired, going to bed.

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