
Saturday 2 April 2011

Trip to hospital

For the last couple of weeks I've been feeling a bit short of breath but trying to pretend it isn't happening. On Wednesday night it was keeping me awake & I began to panic & went to the doctor the next morning. She couldn't find anything oobviously wrong but sent me for some blood tests & said to go back next day to see a different doctor for a second opinion (really inspires confidence). My appointment was for 5 0'clock, saw very thorough doctor who spent ages examining me & said I had to go the hospital just to make sure there weren't any blood clots on my lungs. So went home, quickly ate dinner, we dropped J at Adam's house so they could take him to youth club then drove 10 miles to hospital. There for hours having all sorts of tests which all proved to be normal which is good! They were umming & aahing a bit as to whether I should stay there but to my great relief they let me go. Louise picked up J from youth club & he slept over at their house as we didn't get home until 12 o'clock. Exhausted!
So I don't know why I feel short of breath. Can only assume it will get better or else will become worse so I'll know what problem is. J has been a bit under the weather, wonder if it could be a bug I've picked up from him making me feel like this.

P went out to get new tyre for car this morning & then J phoned saying he wasn't well come & get him now. A short while later he phoned to say could he go ice-skating with Adam & Tim?!!
I'm letting P sort this one out. My concern is that J has his exams next week & I want him fit & healthy & to have done some revision.

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