
Tuesday 19 April 2011


The reason we're going for fair trade eggs (although I think we did last year as well) is that when we went to 'other church' on Sunday evening there was a 2 hour long service with someone speaking about trafficking. I didn't realise how much slavery there is in the chocolate industry. A lot of workers are recruited from long distances away then not paid at all & can't leave because they don't know how to get home & they're often beaten & treated badly as well.
So we're getting them from the Oxfam shop.

On Saturday night we went to the family housegroup at 'other church'. There was a passover theme, first we had a meal as usual, then we built a shelter, the children having first daubed red paint on the lintels (& on themselves), well when we say 'we built it' P & J played a major part but I sat & watched. Then we huddled inside & watched some of 'the Prince of Egypt' then we shared some unleavened bread & lamb & had some worship, sharing & prayer.

A good evening.

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