
Monday 18 January 2010


Yesterday at church I felt really pathetic. I mean considering what the people of Haiti are going through how can I complain about anything or feel sorry for myself? And we had just had a sermon on being thankful. It's just that although I am slowly improving I had had a pretty bad week & relapses are hard to deal with especially when I'd been doing so well - it's like I was beginning to get my life back & someone came & snatched it away. Anyway during the last song I went a bit sniffly & then when I was sitting in the church cos I couldn't make it out to coffee & I wasn't even sure I could make it back to the door I felt more & more miserable. When the church secretary came past & asked if I was alright I burst into tears. She was really nice & hugged me & prayed with me & said I could call her anytime.
At this moment Ethel from our housegroup came up & said Mary was upset because she hadn't been asked to help with coffee. Each housegroup is supposed to take a turn with coffee. Sophie who leads our group asked me to organise the rota as she keeps forgetting (although frankly I felt I'd rather chew off my right arm) but she'd said she'd do it for Sunday as I was unwell. So seeing as Mary not being asked to do it was nothing to do with me & seeing as I had tears coming out of my eyes I couldn't help feeling I didn't want to get involved in this conversation.
Then Emily came up & asked if we'd had alcohol for sale at our year 6 fun night as they were having it at theirs & she felt it was wrong. Well yes we did as that was how the wine got spilt over our treasure map but at the time it was so much touch & go whether we'd have a fun night at all what with people falling out with each other that we hadn't stopped to consider the moral issues. There is so much a drinking culture in our village I don't think there's a hope she could get the sale of alcohol stopped however she feels about it.
In the afternoon P & J went out flying model aeroplanes & I had a nice sleep then P went to visit his Dad who's doing well but isn't getting the promised physio.

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