
Wednesday 2 November 2011

Another bad day

I'm feeling better but today have been upset.

Lsat night J's head of year phoned & said while she sympathised with what had happened J had hit the other 2 boys with his badminton racket so she felt he had to be sanctioned. Being sanctioned meant going into solitary confinement today ie working in room with just a teacher there. Ok, if he hit someone he should be ' sanctioned' fair enough. Then I asked her if they were going to deal with the bullying situation & she said she was dealing with each boy in turn & J was first. 

Then this morning I got all panicky re his special needs & had they taken them into account & they said they'd get a laptop but I still wasn't happy about it. I was feeling really unhappy about J having hit someone which is so unlike him then I thought 'it is really unlike him'. Tonight I said to him that he really had to tell us exactly what had been happening & when he did it is just so upsetting & has been going on such a long time & he put up with it without telling anyone then it all just erupted. I am so unhappy that the school had put him into isolation all day without first having properly found out what had driven him to it & my son had been treated like a criminal when he is really a victim of long-term bullying for whom it finally became all too much. If they wanted to punish him a little bit ok but they've gone over the top. And what's annoying me as well is that the boy who punched him will presumably be excluded which ok isn't very good on his record but will he be shut up in a freezing cold room & not allowed out for lunch? No, he'll be at home playing computer games.

And also if you were in a court of law they'd gather all the evidence before sentencing anyone. Wouldn't they? Ok Boy 1 might have put in his statement that J hit him with a racket but he just might have omitted to mention the song he made up about J's hair & got all his friends to sing along to. Every time they saw J. Since last Christmas.

So this evening I wrote a long email to his head of year telling her what we thought, well not the computer games bit. I tried to word it very nicely & I showed it to P & J to make sure they agreed with it because it says on the anti-bullying website that you shouldn't take action without making sure it's ok with your child.

So watch this space.

Actually I think in a few weeks time I'm going to delete this page because I just don't want to look back & remember this.

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