
Sunday 9 May 2010


Such a lot has happened today & some of it is so upsetting. We woke up late because P who is the one who wakes up early has J's cold & is really not well. He didn't feel up to going to church so I quickly got ready & picked up Adam & Mavis. There was a baptism service which was really moving.

Afterwards I was quite busy trying to sort out youth activity forms & talking to various people. Then Mavis got upset because she said she was sitting on her own & everyone was ignoring her & no-one cares about her. Linda & I were trying to comfort her while at the same time I was trying to ask the church treasurer if it was ok to pay for all the helpers to go on youth activity. I think I've overdone the 'we can't run this event without adult help' bit because we've now got too many helpers!

After lunch J & Adam went to meet up with Tim & some others in the woods near the village. In the woods there's a rope swing & while Tim was on it he somehow fell off & J said he was lying on the ground screaming in pain & crying out to God not to let him die. Thankfully Adam had his mobile & Becky got there really quickly. She has texted me from the hospital to say he's broken both bones in his forearm. Could have been a lot worse, I suppose.

Meanwhile in Wales my brother was cutting a bit of wood with his bow saw without his gloves as he couldn't find them & he was 'only going to cut one branch'. The saw kicked back & ripped though his hand. Thankfully it seems to have missed the tendons but there is some nerve damage & he is going to a bigger hospital tomorrow as he probably needs plastic surgery as there is virtually no skin left on the back of his hand.

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