
Friday 21 May 2010

More bad news

Obviously over the last few days we've been busy arranging the funeral etc It's going to be a simple service at the crematorium as he wasn't a church goer & that's what he wanted. Afterwards we'll go to the pub near our house.

Today we went to pick up some of our furniture from storage as the friend whose farm it's stored at is moving. There are now cupboards, shelves & boxes of ornaments everywhere & there's still another trailer load to collect. It's quite strange, it's like we moved house packed up our stuff then unpacked it 8 years later. I suppose that is literally what we did. Some stuff we'd just forgotten we'd got. And some stuff we wonder why on earth we've got.

Rather to my consternation & P's delight his thousands of model aeroplane magazines have survived intact. We are having something of an ongoing debate about the necessity of keeping them.

We picked up J & I took him to town for a hair cut & to buy the ipod touch he's been saving up for (the £31 he got for putting his hand up helped a lot).

Shortly after I got home the phone rang & P answered it - it was my uncle. He was saying something about someone having died & P assumed he'd found about his Dad. But no, it was my aunt - she was found dead this morning! I just can't take it in, two deaths in a week. It just seems unreal.

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