
Monday 8 February 2010

An optional Mum and a burglary

It seems that my opinion that the unity service was 'brill' was not shared by everyone as when P was in the queue at the post office on Saturday he was accosted by someone from the Anglican church who complained the music was too fast and loud for that sort of service, this fast and loud music having emanated from our church band. Oh dear. Seems quite a few people from other 2 churches didn't find it quite their cup of tea. The thing is though when we've gone to unity services in their churches they always just have the normal service they would have had anyway irrespective of some bits not being in accordance with everybody's beliefs. I'd thought this service was quite a good 'middle ground' with contributions from all 3 churches. Is there any way of satisfying everyone? Or should it be about satisfying us? Should we perhaps be wondering if God enjoyed that song that was giving glory to Him, or was He just thinking the music was too fast?

When P got home from this J called out:
'Dad can you come and see what I've done with my robot? Well, Mum can come too but she's optional.'

After lunch P popped down to the shed and discovered that it had been broken into and some tools stolen. Apparently some of our neighbours had an almost identical theft. The insurance will pay up but it's still a lot of hassle getting quotes & buying new stuff & our premiums will go up. And it's really not a nice feeling that someone has been on your property nicking your stuff.

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