
Thursday 23 July 2009

Thankful Thursday

Some of the other blogs I read do this thing called 'Thankful Thursday' where each Thursday they think of 10 things to be thankful for. (Could there also be a Moaning Monday?)
Anyway here I am having a go:

Today so far I am thankful that:

1) The door didn't come off its hinges when J slammed it.
2) He eventually agreed to have a bath & get ready for summer school.
3) After falling over at Tim's house yesterday he's only having to go to summer school with a sprained wrist & not a broken one.
4) When he said he thought his school might be 'too easy' I didn't totally lose it. This is the boy who could have gone to grammar school & chose this school instead!
5) We got there just on time.
6) When I was coming out of the drive at the same instant the post van was coming in we managed not to collide.
7) I found a parking place at the dentist.
8) I think the dentist is managing to sort my teeth out.
9) Despite the bad pain in my legs I've managed to get J to summer school, put on the washing & hang it up, load the dishwasher & get to the dentist.
10) P & I are still speaking to each other despite discovering that the week he's booked off to go to Wales is same week I've booked J's sporting activities at leisure centre with his friends. He's sure he told me & I'm sure I told him (I think).

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