
Friday 17 July 2009

Drove home from meeting in heavy rain, thunder & lightning. It all quietened down but apparently there was another bad storm in the middle of the night. J & I slept through it though. J got up to go the loo later & the power was off.
So J got up this morning for his last day at primary school. As it was a special day I let him have cheesecake for breakfast as well as his scrambled egg (I know, I know, bad mother of the year award). He went into school with 2 shirts, one for the others to write all over & one for assembly. P also went in later as a governor to be at the assemblies.
I had a nice relaxing day then Louise pushed me in at picking up time to see the teachers being given their presents, then we said goodbye to them (when we told one of them he was J's favourite teacher he seemed really touched) & that was it. Outside the temporary Year 4 teacher who was also leaving was surrounded by children who were hugging him & clinging onto him, some of them in floods of tears. He was obviously really popular. I've never seen anything like it really.
The children were given a lovely year book which 2 of the parents made with photos & a bit about each child.
I felt a bit like I was going to cry but J was fine, he's so ready for senior school now.

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