
Friday 24 July 2009

Still thankful

I'm trying to keep thinking of more things for which to be thankful because I'm tempted to feel a bit low & frustrated by my health at the moment & yet I know there are so many things I take for granted & there are so many people in the world so much worse off. I've been reading a couple of blogs by people I know who are working in Africa & they do bring home the gap between us & them. One girl from our church who is going to train a a doctor has been working in Ghana & she said 2 new-born babies died in her arms, one because there were no antibiotics & one because there was no incubator. Yet it's not as simple as just buying them an incubator as there's the whole question of training & maintenance. It's made her very determined to become a doctor & help make a difference.
It's the same with education. I've been stressing out over whether J should go to one excellent school rather than another excellent school & yet there are so many children who don't get the chance of going to school at all. Yet at the same time I suppose it's important that our children get the chance to achieve their potential so they can do their best to make the world a better place.
Talking of which J thought Summer School was brilliant! Was Mum right to make him go or was Mum right? He really enjoyed the work, liked the teachers & made another friend, all the things I hoped would happen. This morning he went off all enthusiastic & cheerful.
We also heard yesterday that he's been put in the top sets for every subject for when he starts. I really think, knowing how J is, that wanting to stay at the top will be a far bigger incentive to work than trying to get to the top which is how it would probably have been at grammar school.
Every time I go to his school I just think 'I really like this school.' And I do, I just like it.

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