
Thursday 9 July 2009

The play was seriously brilliant! They all did so well. There were quite a few children off so several had had to stand in at the last minute. There was a rumour that Henry would be back last night & it would have been nice for him to get the chance to do his part. However he didn't turn up & J did really, really well. He said his words clearly & looked so happy & confident, so different from last year. The main character in his scene completely forgot his words but he made it so funny. He was just calling out 'Somebody tell me the lines please,' & if anybody had the script they didn't admit to it so the others on stage were prompting him with the wrong words & we were all rolling around with laughter.
It was a comedy about school days with scenes about dinner ladies, auditions for the school choir, Jimmy Fixit the school handy man etc. It was very funny & there was some really good singing & dancing.
At the end there was a bit where some of the year 6s were recalling their memories of school (actually I wish they'd let all the year 6s do it) but anyway one boy's memory concerned J. He said one day J had leaned back on his chair so far he fell through the door then he knocked to come back in again. J's version of events is that he was standing up, tripped either over the chair leg or a trainer, he's not sure which, fell against the door handle so the door opened & he fell half way through. On the way home J & Adam were talking about it & A was saying 'It was Mr H teaching us that day' & J was saying 'No it was Mr P'. I don't know, he seems to have gone down in history anyway.
So it's Open Day on Friday, Leavers party Saturday, Leavers church service Sunday, Sports Day Monday & then on Friday that's it - the end of J's primary school days.

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