
Sunday 16 October 2011

Still more random thoughts

  • My cleaner, with whom I now get on very well, has started at uni (nearby that is), which means she can't come so much which is a shame but it does in a way get a bit threatening when someone else keeps sorting out your stuff so at the same time I don't mind too much but I do miss chatting to her.
  • A colleague of P's is emigrating to Australia and was selling off some of her furniture. We went and picked up a corner unit, a full length mirror, a set of shelves (one of those covered with fabric which lifts up at the front) and we also got a couple of radios. The corner unit really transforms the dining room, I think, especially with my spider plant on it. P says it sticks out a bit so ultimately will have to go somewhere else and he's not sure about the plant. I really like the shelf thing but can't work out where to put it. Hmm... There is so much sorting out to do in the house, it's overwhelming at times.
  • After that we went to a craft fair but all I bought was some face cream. It was a lovely Autumn day for a drive though.
  • Last Saturday we went to the family housegroup at 'other church'. This was at the leader's house and we had a meal together then did this thing where there were a load of postcards with sayings on them on the floor and we had to pick a couple to say something we thought about our family. I chose 'I love you', 'Keep calm and carry on' and 'Dead fish swim with the tide'. It was a good evening but we were concerned about one of the men who's waiting for MRI results. We prayed for him and then they prayed for me as well.
  • The night before we'd been to a 'movie evening' at the church youth group. This is now run by my friend Emily and her husband. The young people had been making videos which we all watched. They had done so well. Emily's daughter had worked really hard doing one on the guide dog puppy they had looked after, Adam had interviewed the school technology technician, J and Tim had interviewed P about being a governor and Becky about being Beaver leader and the other things she does in the community, 2 girls did one on the charity 'Send my Sister to School' and 2 others on the negative aspects of beauty pageants for children and a boy had done one on the history of the village. All very good and it was encouraging to see how much of a social conscience they had.
  • Tomorrow night is our quarterly church meeting.

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