
Wednesday 19 October 2011

Poor Herman

Yesterday I met up with the woman who was leader of the housegroup at 'other church'. We met at a coffee shop and had a nice chat. She's a nurse at a local hospital and while we were there one of the doctors she works with came in and came over and sat with us. He was very sweet. Anyway it was really nice to see her again. She was telling me about one of the women in the group whose second baby died at birth last year and now she's pregnant again which is really lovely.

Yesterday I was given a 'Herman sour dough starter' which is like this yeasty thing you look after and feed for 10 days then you can use it to make bread or cakes. Trouble is it says in the instructions not to use a metal bowl or spoon so I was careful to put it into a plastic bowl - using a metal spoon. I think I may have killed it.

J just had a piano lesson which actually went quite well.

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