
Saturday 16 October 2010


I've just picked what's probably the last of the blackberries to put in the freezer. We've just got a new fridge-freezer which is really nice. Our previous one had a freezer which was really too small with flap down drawers. Everything was crammed in so when I opened it it all came tumbling out & I had a struggle to get it back in. This one has drawers you can lift out (& even get back in again) so is much more civilised. The only problem was that although it should have fitted in the gap left by the other one it didn't. Poor P went through a painful process of pushing & shoving similar to childbirth in reverse before resorting to moving the electric socket & shaving a bit off the wall.
It was worth the effort cos it's lovely.

What P is now working on is the heat recovery system. This is a ventilation system which takes the heat out of the air & pumps it back in with clean air. This will mean we won't have to open the windows so the house should be warmer. In theory.

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