
Saturday 16 October 2010

Prayer evening

This is what happened about the prayer evening.
Back in April we organised a 'Pudding & Prayer Evening'. This was generally considered to be very successful, well attended, people both had a good time & did some praying. People were saying we should do another one. Settled on a date - October 15th. Advertised it well in advance. Wrote article in church magazine about it. Hardly anyone signed up. I decided to cancel it. Last Sunday had sermon on prayer. At end after quickly whispering to me someone stood up & said we shouldn't be cancelling prayer evening & we would hold a meeting on Friday without any of the pudding or displays or anything. After the service someone came up & said we didn't need displays we just needed prayer meetings & I should organise one a month. Someone else came up & said if we didn't have puddings & displays she wasn't coming. Ok. I went home & planned what we would do - meet in classroom, have maybe a couple of displays, try to stick to original agenda to some extent. Meanwhile without telling me person who had stood up in church sent out email saying it would be in the church & we could pray about anything & she & I would pray with people if they wanted. Arranged to meet her half an hour before meeting. Got there 15 mins late, she was even later & she had key. Struggled to get cd player working & candles lit. About 18-20 people turned up & it went very well & we prayed with several people. Said prayer to finish it then someone stood up & said cos it was in the church he hadn't been able to hear what we were saying & wouldn't it be better to have held it in the classroom? Person who was helping arrange it had to rush off to dinner engagement. Someone said we should do it every week. By then felt exhausted. To my surprise everyone then went leaving Becky & me to switch off lights & shut doors. As Becky couldn't work out how to switch off heating this meant I had to walk back round the church which really was too much for my feet. We then realised that side door had been opened with key in such a way we couldn't shut it so had to summon person back from her dinner to lock it.
Woke up this morning feeling it was really, really good that we had been able to meet together but annoyed that I'd been left to switch everything off & annoyed too that all those people hadn't signed up for original evening.

Somehow all this has made me feel a bit stressed.

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