
Wednesday 13 October 2010

Not so sunny

Where's the sunshine gone? Today I feel cold.

Have been watching some of the miners coming out, it's so moving.

J woke me up ridiculously early this morning as he had to hand in some homework before school as he should have handed it in yesterday but forgot & if he didn't get it in on time he'd get a bad half term report. I thought with us leaving early there wouldn't be any traffic but it was just as bad.

Yesterday he had a French assessment for which they had written a passage then memorised it then had to stand in front of the class & say it. J said he was shaking beforehand but some of them were crying & one boy just couldn't manage it. The French teacher this year is pretty scary apparently. She is however raising the standard of their work considerably. This morning I asked 'Don't you have a German assessment this half term?' 'Oh, yes it's today, I'd forgotten.' Quick last minute revision in the car. German teacher obviously not nearly so scary.

There are some people in the village who leave out their windfall apples in a box for people to take. This morning there were some quinces in the box. I took some & am wondering what to do with them. My mum used to make quince jelly, should I try that? Or pickled quince? Or poached quince?

Part of the reason I am getting more into cooking is because I have now got a cleaner so the kitchen is a lot more clean, tidy & organised which makes the whole cooking scene a lot easier. Plus I can just bung everything in the dishwasher afterwards. There are however some stressful aspects about having a cleaner. I'll talk about that another time. Right now I've got to get Becky's washing out of my machine (her's has broken down) & pop a pizza in the oven.

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