
Saturday 16 October 2010

My week

This is a summary of my week:

Sunday - complicated situation at church, got beaten by J at Monopoly again

Monday - did washing then sat sorting out paperwork all morning while cleaner came. Had quite difficult conversation in which she said she likes working with me but she feels very anxious because she feels P doesn't like her moving his stuff & she feels all she does is move stuff from one place to another & isn't really getting the place tidy & she hasn't enough to do. The first two facts are undeniably true, not so sure about the second as if she hasn't got enough to do I'd have thought she'd have cleaned underneath the bathroom taps. I'm really sorry she's feeling bad & I really don't want to lose her. The trouble is she sometimes has this tendency to throw things away which we consider useful & to pile things in the loft so they squash other more delicate things. In fact we do go through the rubbish after she's gone. But I really, really don't want to lose her.
J feeling so ill went straight to bed after school.

Tuesday - felt really rough, lot of pain, got email to say someone at church in hospital, had to make a couple of calls to let someone know, felt better later, managed to cook dinner

Weds - took Mavis to coffee morning where was harangued by an elderly lady over the fact that we had the 'wrong' tune to the Harvest Hymn. Like it's my fault??? Did Becky's washing. Picked up J from chess club & drove in to pick up P & take J to piano lesson

Thurs -am tidied work-top, pm verbally attacked by Jehovah's Witnesses

Fri - tidied, went to doctors for injection & also took Mavis for appointment, she has host of medical problems. Wrote them out as a list for doctor. Worried that some of them may be serious. She's also suffering from depression. Taking her back again next week. Went with P to look at furniture & buy some DIY stuff. Picked up J from half way bus-stop. As soon as got home got into an hour-long phone conversation with someone who used to come to our church who is very unhappy about present situation. At same time made some flapjacks for coffee morning next day. Accidentally put in too much butter. Quickly ate dinner. Went to prayer meeting in evening.

I just sort of feel I seem to be responding to everyone else's needs & demands at the moment. I need some fun.

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