
Friday 22 October 2010

Quick update

  • Ventilation system working. Air now seems very fresh. Wish it was a bit warmer but weather has turned really cold.
  • Went into town this morning to get hair cut. Had quick whizz round shops buying stuff I needed to make quince cheese which at this moment is bubbling away filling the kitchen with a wonderful smell. If you've never smelt a quince cooking you just have to. (When it said in the 'Riverside Cottage Handbook on Preserving', which I got from the library, that you cook them to a pulp it didn't mention that it takes several hours to get to a pulp.) Felt a bit impatient when shopping because people kept being where I wanted to be & on the scooter I can't just sneak in & get what I want. In Tescos my way was blocked by what looked like a student scrutinising the ingredients on a packet of sugar. I felt like saying: 'It's sugar, that's all it contains - just sugar, now hurry up & move.' But I didn't.
  • As I went to cross the road outside Tescos a man was leaning in a car window & yelling 'Why don't you read the Highway Code & give way to pedestrians?' while the man in the car yelled back something along the lines of why couldn't he be a bit quieter. Nice.
  • Had a bit of a disaster with the freezer. P had said there was a slot in the door into which you could put ice blocks, I put in an ice block. As it froze it expanded & pushed the door open & everything started to thaw. So a load of our food has had to be thrown out. Is it worth claiming on the insurance? Do they cover idiotic mistakes due to misinformation?
  • Quince should be turning pink by now? Why isn't it pink???

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