
Wednesday 1 June 2016

Thinking of the empty nest

Oh dear didn't blog at all during May.

Well during May sometimes it was sunny and sometimes it wasn't. P did quite a lot of invigilating. J did two exams (of which second went better than first) but still has eleven to go. My physio said I need to work even harder, I still haven't got date for op which makes planning a summer holiday difficult and the wires in my knee edged ever closer to the surface. My GP says if they ever poke through the skin she thinks they'd operate straight away which is sort of reassuring I suppose.

Talking of holidays in order to try and prepare myself for our offspring leaving the nest (sob) I have been thinking that sometime after he's gone P and I could have a little break by ourselves. Because the answer to a crossword clue last week was 'Lerwick' (to my surprise I knew that it was the main port of the Shetlands) I got the idea of going there but P and J reckon it would be too cold for me and we'd either have to fly (could be tricky with leg) or go by boat (might be seasick). Perhaps not for now. Maybe one day. Have to think of somewhere else so there's something to look forward to.

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