
Monday 13 June 2016

Fruit pastilles and lightning

Last night we had a storm which went on for an hour. Wonder if I'll ever grow out of counting the time between the lightning and the thunder. P says it's 4.5 seconds to a mile.

J is doing some work for his chemistry exam tomorrow. Brings back painful memories of when I failed my chemistry A-level the first time (what I mean is I failed it the first time I took it, exonerated myself the second time). Sitting there, only able to attempt three questions out of twenty and they were pretty much guesses then eating my fruit pastilles while the invigilator glared at me and feeling like my life was in a mess.

Just make a better go of it than I did J.

And please understand why I keep nagging you to work. 

You don't want to end up with a life-long aversion to fruit pastilles.

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