
Sunday 12 June 2016

Better than it used to be

Looking back over my blog over the last few years there are three things I have been constantly trying to do: get better, lose weight and declutter. I could possibly feel a bit discouraged as I am still trying to do those things but...

Well where the weight is concerned I am a stone lighter than I was at my heaviest which is good (and most of my t shirts are too baggy now). It seems to be a battle to manage to lose any more though, not helped by the enforced inactivity due to breaking my knee cap.

Where my healing is concerned there are ways in which I don't seem to be any better there are other ways in which things have improved. The hand arthritis is not quite so bad and I have managed to cook a little bit recently. I am typing this rather than using a stylus so yay!

A lot of the M.E./CFS symptoms are less than they were but still the pain in my feet remains the most limiting. I think the physio I'm having for my knee is helping my general functioning though as he's showing me how to stand and walk properly.

What any of you who have been following my blog won't realise is that while writing it I have gone through several episodes of depression which has been severe at times. That situation has definitely improved although I do have bad days at times it's not anything like it used to be.

As for the osteoporosis, apart from the knee, which I think would have fractured even if I hadn't had ostoporosis as I fell so heavily, I haven't had a break since I've been on the new drug.

So yes God is good, He's on my case and I'm definitely moving in the right direction with it all. 

As for the decluttering (we being a family of hoarders). I feel I'm making progress. The clothes are almost under control, working on the books and paperwork and determined to get J to attack his room over the summer. Don't know quite what state the loft's in cos I can't get up there and P looks sheepish when I ask him.

I was a bit disappointed the other day when a (sort of) friend who's a plumber popped round to look at our dripping tap.

"Somehow I thought your house would be tidy," he said.


But it's better than it used to be.

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