
Tuesday 18 August 2015

Bad slipper-boots

On Wednesday July 29th as a result of a freak accident, my right leg, normally rather inconspicuous and ordinary looking, although a bit on the dysfunctional side, turnd into the leg.
As in:

"Help me support the leg while I try to straighten it."
"Do you need some gas and air while we put the leg in a splint?"
"The surgery on the leg went very well."
"Just see if you can manage to swing the leg over the side of the bed."
"Think we need to change the plaster on the leg."
"No weight bearing on the leg for 6 weeks."
"Don't drop the leg!!!"

On that fateful day I had been with P to coffee morning at our previous church and had a good time although the weather had been a bit colder than I expected. We returned home, I scooted to our dining area, walked into our bedroom to change my shoes and there on the floor were my slipper-boots looking all snug and cosy. What was also on the floor by my bedside-cabinet was an innocent-looking fabric shopping bag. Where it all went wrong was that as I slipped one of my feet into a slipper-boot it must have caught in the handle of the bag and I unknowingly trailed the bag across the room.

I closed the door. The bag jammed behind it. The bag handle tightened round my ankle. I felt something yank my foot from under me.
I knew I was going to fall and I knew that there was absolutely nothing I could do about it.

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