
Sunday 2 March 2014


A brief update of what has been happening apart from rain: P has got a part time job invigilating exams at J's school. J coming to terms with it. J continuing to get a succession of illnesses, had to have German oral exam re-scheduled last week as had tummy bug. Church going very well, making some more friends there, had three of them round to lunch last week and ... wonderfully, we are moving from the function room of a pub which while it's served us very well, is basically a hut, and in winter a cold hut, to a school. This is the direction we feel God is leading us as a church but it will have some side benefits eg lots more space, central heating, indoor loo, a separate room for children's work, some audio and kitchen equipment provided... Bliss.

As for me: tooth has stopped hurting after two lots of horrendous dental treatment in which all the nerves were removed. Have to go back in a couple of months to have it crowned (think we're talking money here). Meanwhile I mustn't crunch on that side. Neck and shoulders have been bad. Three trips to doctor, tried 4 types of drug, x-ray tomorrow. Sigh. One of drugs was diazepam aka valium which can act as a muscle relaxant and helped a bit but turned me into a bad tempered monster and P says if I take it again he moves out. Sigh.

Also had a prayer ministry appointment at Pierrepont, stayed overnight and went on a healing course next day. God is at work in my life. Still praising and trusting Him.

Can't stay on computer too long, it hurts.

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