
Wednesday 5 March 2014


Last June a couple at our church got married and we went to the wedding (wore bright red jacket!). A really nice couple, in their thirties when they got married and a couple of weeks after returning from honeymoon she kept rushing out of the church service and returning looking a bit green so we all knew and baby was due April 15th. P helped them move into their new house a couple of weeks ago and they'd started decorating the nursery. I was chatting to her on Sunday and she was in a lot of discomfort as the baby was lying sideways and squashing her stomach and lungs. Because of this she'd given up work early and had left on Friday. So, we were all praying that the baby would move into better position. Imagine my surprise when I opened our regular 'church update' email on Monday morning and there was a photo of their baby - little Benjamin - born prematurely at 34 weeks just a couple of hours earlier. He is doing well, out of the high dependency unit now and into a cot in the nursery but will be there another 2 or 3 weeks. A nice thing about facebook is that we can see a photo of him every day. Aaaah.

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