
Friday 1 May 2009

It's a lovely sunny day. Unusually for a Friday everything went smoothly this morning. J got up in cheerful mood, finished homework without complaint (although he insisted a device for measuring temperature is spelt 'thermometre') & I made him scrambled egg. We left early, in time to call in at village shop to find they hadn't got any wholemeal bread. Tim was almost ready when we got to his house & I got them both to school in good time for gym trail. Since then I've done 2 loads of washing, tidied up a little, sent an email & typed half of prayer bulletin.
After school yesterday we went into town & got J's hair cut. It's now ever so short! Bit disconcerting in barbers as all staff Spanish so talking in foreign language & I kept thinking 'What are they saying about us?' J just sat & scowled in silence like he does at hairdressers but they gave him a lolly which cheered him up. Then we went to Waterstone's & managed to get him a book by Bear Grylls which he wanted. He's just devouring books at the moment which is good I suppose.
I've been reading a book by Fiona Castle called 'No Flowers... just lots of joy' which is very moving. It's about her marriage to Roy & his illness & death & how she managed afterwards. I've got a couple of copies for the church library along with some other books. Being church librarian is such a doddle, I love reading & buying books. I might write a couple of book reviews for the magazine. Or should I tidy out a kitchen cupboard instead?

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