
Wednesday 20 May 2009

Went to the hairdressers yesterday. Said I wanted layers cut off, didn't realise having layers cut off would involve losing most of my hair. Picked J up from school, 'Your hair looks awful,' he said. Picked P up from station (cos he'd been to London) 'Your hair looks awful,' he said.
Went to coffee morning rather apprehensively as was going to have to go into room full of people with awful hair. 'Your hair looks lovely,' said several people.
I don't know. It will grow again though, I suppose.
When hairdresser asked which school J going to it turned out her sister going to same one. This might not seem unusual but school is 10 miles from hairdressers in different town. Funny if they end up in same class. She said uniform cost is even worse for girls as boys can wear just plain white shirts & grey trousers but girls have to have special blouses & skirts & one blouse costs £17. They do look nice in their uniform though, especially the girls. There's none of this hitched up skirts & tons of make-up & bleached hair business. They even stipulate which shoes & socks/tights they wear. Ok, when I was at school I hated having to wear a certain type of shoes & tights (brown lace-ups & American tan tights - ugh!) but as a parent I think they look nice. (I don't mean brown lace-ups & American tan tights look nice, the pupils look nice).
J went to the woods with the scouts last night. They played hide and seek & he had a whale of a time so he wants to join scouts now. Next week they are going to skin & cook a rabbit! Apparently last time they did this was the week when all the girls decided to leave scouting but apparently the three girls in it now are made of sterner stuff.

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