
Saturday 13 August 2016

Staying away from the cocoa bean

So why is it that for 40 days I'm going without this:

Because it seems that whenever I'm doing well with cutting down on sugar/ losing weight someone gives us some delicious chocolate and I end up eating it. The other night I had a sort of  'I can't stop eating chocolate' meltdown and then I had a thought:

'I can stop eating it. My life isn't controlled by chocolate, it's controlled by Jesus.'

Then I remembered the course we're doing in our housegroup - the Grace Course by Freedom in Christ Ministries.  This includes a 40 day 'Stronghold Buster' in which for 40 days you reject whatever lies are holding you into wrong behaviour and replace them with truth. So I reject the lie that I can't give up chocolate and I declare that I am more than a conqueror (paraphrase of Romans 8:39). And I thought while I'm doing that I won't eat any of the cocoa bean stuff.

For 40 days.

None of the yummy bars of chocolate Melanie gave us. Nor any of the' Hotel Chocolat Tasting Club' box Mavis gave us. No chocolate biscuits or pudding or cake. No Magnums (or should that be Magna?), not even a mint one, or any form of chocolate ice-cream. No hot chocolate. 

Can I do it? Yes I can.

Three days in.

Doing ok.

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