
Tuesday 1 May 2012

I'm losing it

Realised that yesterday was the first time I'd been home on my own in ages which was probably why I felt bored and lonely.

Anyway what happened yesterday after I'd finished blogging was:

I was expecting some shoes I'd ordered to arrive but they hadn't sp I thought I'd scoot up and see if they'd been left with our neighbours or somewhere. Only problem was Fiat was parked in front of scooter shed so just needed to move it. Went to key box - keys not there. After a whole hour of searching and praying and retracing my steps from the morning I found them - in my handbag. They were in a side pocket where I never put them.

Just as I got in the car to move it a woman I'd never seen before came walking down the drive carrying a parcel - my shoes. I tried them on - they fitted. I put them in the bottom of my wardrobe and as I did so I had a quick sort through the boxes of shoes in there. At the bottom was a box containing a pair of brand new Clarks sandals and I can't remember buying them. I looked on the internet and they're not this year's style, I think they're from 2010 so I've probably had them for about 2 years. I wonder if I got them in the sales at the end of the summer and put them away for the next year then forgot about them. What a waste, I could have been wearing them. They're really nice as well. This is seriously making me feel like my mind's going.

Then yesterday evening I tried to log on to facebook and couldn't remember my password. Aaaagh! 

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