
Monday 30 April 2012

Hunt for piano teacher

I was about to upload a photo then I realised I'm using the laptop and the recent photos are on the desktop on which I'm doing the scanning. Duh. 

Still trying to find a piano teacher for J. This is a bit hampered by fact that what piano teachers round here don't seem to do is answer the phone, or reply to answerphone messages. Sigh.

There's been a lot of debate in our household about which teacher is suitable based on their names and looking them up on facebook. Several have been rejected for all sorts of reasons, mainly on my part and mainly irrational. P was given the number of one female teacher and I felt her name implied she wore high heels and short skirts and low-cut tops and P said that was totally unreasonable which of course was right so in the end I phoned her but she didn't answer anyway and meanwhile someone gave us the name of a man who's near J's school and seems ok but he hasn't answered either and meanwhile P's got a mobile number from his noticeboard at work so if Mr Nearby School doesn't call back I'll give him a go.

It is getting a bit of a long time without a teacher now. Perhaps I'll call the mobile number anyway.

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