
Friday 27 April 2012

Ramblings on a rainy day

Last night went to church AGM which honestly was just plain boring (don't quote me). When got home and went to bed couldn't get to sleep and ended up taking sleeping tablet at 1.30 am which was bad move but then it was Hobson's choice - spend all day feeling awful due to no sleep or spend all day feeling awful due to taking sleeping tablet too late. Was woken up at 8 am by P phoning. 'What about J, shouldn't he be going to school?' I muttered. 'I still don't think he's well enough,' said P. So I phoned school and went back to sleep and woke up again at 9 am and have spent all day feeling out of sorts and staying indoors with J who is slowly getting better and looking out at the rain and not really achieving anything apart from one load of washing.

A really stressful situation has arisen involving a solicitor which involves me having to pay tax on some money I have not yet received, which honestly would anyone feel happy about? I'm just not going into the details right now. I don't even want to think about it.

Talking of phoning school P said tonight that if I'd told him that the office staff at J's primary school gave me a hard time over their attendance figures when I phoned and said he was sick then he'd have sorted them out. 

For some reason tonight P started reading out recipes from an Italian recipe book and I started miming as if I was preparing them which J found hysterically funny, especially my attempt at chopping artichokes. Hmm.

Today I've been thinking that all I'm ever going to be at church is a minute-taker and prayer bulletin writer. Is that all that God wants me to be? If it is then that's fine but is it really? Is that what my calling in life is? Is any of it really advancing the Kingdom of God?

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