
Monday 7 March 2011


How often do I go out on a Saturday night? Not all that often. How often do I get a great big spot on my chin these days? Hardly ever. So why did these two situations have to coincide? Where we went was to a quiz at Tim's grammar school. Tim as in J's friend & Becky's son. We had a good time but the questions were hard. The trouble was for a lot of the questions somebody on our table knew the answer but at least one other person was saying something else & we didn't always choose the right person's answer. We ended up 17th out of 19 which was a bit hard for Becky as she's used to winning. We do think though that they recorded our mark wrong for the historical dates sheet, should have been 7/24 not 3/24.
I was impressed with myself with the round where they gave the first & last few words of books & you had to say title & author - I actually recognised War & Peace! Should have got 'Picture of Dorian Gray' though. And it's an elephant that has 4 knees not a camel. And I should have known a 3 toed sloth is the slowest animal on earth. And we should have played our joker on the Science & Maths round.

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