
Monday 7 March 2011

Found the phone!

Just been looking for a notebook I'd lost & looked in a cloth shoulder bag I use occasionally & there was the feedback form for the anti-bullying evening & the phone!!! How on earth the phone got there I don't know, perhaps it fell in. No PE bag though.

This morning there was frost on the car but now it's bright & sunny. Have just repotted some of J's cacti -ouch! I thought of photographing the blood but some of you might be squeamish. One of the cacti has these horrible hook shaped spines which are almost impossible to get out.

I think there's someone at church who's giving us the cold-shoulder treatment because we disagreed with them about something. This was quite difficult yesterday because I woke up early & had a nice long prayer time & felt really peaceful & spiritual then after church I was feeling like an emotional wreck. This was sad because we'd actually had a really nice church lunch - jacket potatoes & chicken in wine sauce & it should have been a good time. So is it just me being paranoid - I don't think so because P has noticed & his skin is several inches thicker than mine. It's just a bit worse for me because he can go up & talk to them whether they like it or not but it's more obvious they never come over to talk to me like they used to. So do I confront them or hope things get better? I just don't know.

Talking of church, someone we know there had a fire in the building next to their flat on Friday morning & had to move out due to water & smoke damage. They stayed in a hotel & in the middle of the night the fire alarms went off & they had to go outside & wait for the fire engines to arrive.

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